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Schermata 2012-03-28 a 15.54.31

The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo, in collaboration with Vision Forum 2009, present Performance Season/ Performance-Art Didactic Festival. Live performance on web, archive production and lectures – web edition 09/10.
The goal of the festival is to approach the performance art practice and to work around the idea of its possible categorisation.
At this purpose we want to encourage the partecipation of artists from around the world in order to realize an on-line performance festival on
Such a festival proposes to create several collateral events: galleries, schools and art platforms involvement, artist’s lectures, discussion forums on “performance category” and also the creation of a performance archive.

the Performance Season first edition proposes the following categories:

Reenactment performance = reenactment of past performances; reenactment in general; retrace an historic event or the life of someone; identification, historical and anthropological research

Performance theater = stage actions in not conventional spaces; performance for many bodies and performance for only one body; actorial; mix of various media; non-narrative  performances

Random performance = non planned actions; chaos applied to the performance; indefinite, linear and / or cyclic time; overcoming social limits or psychological pressure, public space performance, tasks performance

Gender performance = performance to overcome physical limits; identity research, sexual background, roles exchange; disguising

Each performance category has many subcategories,so to allow the partecipants to bring  their performance into one of the four fields mentioned above: we are not working in a reductionist way at all, neither we are interested in a strict classification. Actually we are trying to give as many chances of partecipation as possible.

The partecipation is free.
Artists from all the world can partecipate, as long as they are in one of the point 1 categories (see above).
Artists that want to apply have to send the following materials:

  • On-line performance project: every performer can propose one or more projects, with images, texts, instructions, storyboards and averythings is  necessery to the project comprehension. Each project must indicate:
    a) affiliated category (or categories) (see point 1);
    b) period in which the artist would like to perform it (between november 2009 and may 2010).
    The performance has no time limits.
    Each selected project has to be realized on-line in real-time by the artist him/herself,
    througth a webcam or videocamera joined to the computer. Technical instructions will be
    communicate to the selected artists.
  • Artists personal information: name, surname, date of birth and birthplace, address, telephone number, mail address, web-site;
  • Curriculum and former works material (images, videos, portfolio, internet-links etc….)

Send materials (project, personal information, curriculum, ecc.) to:

Info at: